
Energy Session on site

  • Meridian balance
  • Colour balance
  • Back balance
  • NVKP = Neurovascular  

      Contact Points

  • NLMP = NeuroLymphatic -

      Massage points

  • Kinesiology
  • Reiki (Chakra Cleansing & Activation)
  • Healing at cellular level

      (Quantum Healing)

  • Self-medication with   

      Essential Oils & Nutrients

currently only possible on request

Distance Healing Session

Since most of animals feel most comfortable in their familiar environment I started offering energy work at a distance which has now replaced my energy sessions on site as I have had amazing results. This is certainly due to the fact that the animals feel safe and secure and more relaxed in their usual surroundings without anyone  disturbing their peace.
The following information is required for this:

2 photos of the animal (eyes clearly visible, 1 photo from the side standing & 1 from the front)
Name of the animal
Date of birth
Owner name
Request/Problem description

Distance Animal Communication

In order to get in contact with your animal, I need the following information:

1-2 photos (eyes clearly visible)
Name of the animal
Date of birth
Owner name
Questions (up to 3 incl.)
Request/Problem description

When you first make contact with your pet through animal communication, you can often see a change in your pet's behaviour. The animals usually react very cheerfully because they feel relieved and are happy to be contacted and able to talk about their wishes and needs. A stronger connection and a better understanding between pet owner and animal can be observed.


Mare Asnal
Dear Regi, thank you for your sensitive way of communicating with animal souls and for sharing your gifts for the highest good of all. Asnal and I enjoy your conversations very much, you are wonderful!
12/18/19, V.K.

Missing cat
Dear Regi, I am very grateful for the AC with my missing cat Bali. How sensitively you described her and the encounter with her and how she or her soul is doing now. Thank you thank you thank you! After that I was finally able to let go and accept that she wasn't coming home.
19.12.19, B.Z.

Rabbit with tumours
Thanks to Regi's AC and energy sessions, we know that our bunny is not in pain even though she has tumours in her stomach. She also shared what she would like to eat and drink and why she wants to stay a little longer. Thank you for the nice conversation with her!
11/06/19, J.K.
She's still alert and doesn't seem ill!😍
11/10/21, J.K.
(Mister Rabbit died in 2022)

French bulldog, back pain (intervertebral discs)
Since the energetic treatment, my darling can jump into the car again! You helped us incredibly dear Regi. The animal communication with him also opened my eyes and moved me very deeply. You're the best! I can't thank you enough ❤️❤️❤️
Absolutely recommendablevery loving, sensitive and professional!
10/31/19, L-M.N.

2 cats, problems peeing and losing weight despite eating
Dear Regi
Thank you very much for your support with my two furry friends. It's amazing how well you got the character of them both! 3rd box installed and lo and behold...everything works! We found P. to have a major vitamin B12 deficiency and either chronic intestinal inflammation or a lymphoma. He's getting some cortisone and gaining weight again :D. What a success! Thank you!
12/23/19, R.F.

Missing cat
After we moved, our male cat, who was neutered, disappeared and only reappeared five days later. We weren't used to that. At the time, we assumed he was locked up somewhere. In the summer he disappeared again, this time for four and a half weeks! We looked for him everywhere and were very desperate. Thanks to Regi's AC we found out why he had left and were able to tell him that the "problem" was resolved. Now he is back and we are very, very grateful. He hasn't left the area anymore.
12/22/19, C.K.

Deceased cat
Dear Regi, I was very touched by your AC, thank you so very much! ❤️
11/28/19, J.P.

Rescue dog with fears, 3 years old
Dear Regi, your AC has "gone deep" ..., uff! Thank you so much for the communication and the tips! Today he even let me hold him and he licked my hand, which he has never done before! Thanks very much!
12/19/19, P.Z.

Altdt. Schäferhund, Aggressions
Thank you from the bottom of  my heart for this incredible and touching communication and energy work with my darling. You have helped us tremendously. I will follow your advice and do everything to maintain his peaceful state!
14.10.19, c.

Deceased cat
Thank you dear Regi for accompanying all of us in the last few weeks. At first I wasn't sure what to think of animal communication, but the success confirmed my intuition. We were able to enjoy the last few weeks even more intensively with our Isis. Two days ago we accompanied her over the rainbow. It's sad and she is missed so much... Since then and thanks to your support, our souls are a little lighter.. She left happily. Also  a big THANK YOU! from her brother to you.
01/04/2020, R.F.

Chronic Eye Infection & Abandoned Kittens
The very next day, his eyes were much clearer and less red, and the little ones survived and took the formula really well! Thank you so much, what you do is amazing!
07/01/2020, A.S.

Emergency - energy session for a horse with colic
Thank you for your help Regi! Luckily the colic is over and you helped us a lot!
(before and after picture after 1.5 hours of energy work)
07/26/2020, G.S.

Pain gone, dog happy
Burnt paws also heal much faster with energy work. Thank you very much!
08/01/2020, T.M.

Back on the podium with enthusiasm
Very nice AC and EW with a sport horse that didn't want to be a sport horse and is now unstoppable. :)
08/27/2020, R.V.

From Aggression to Harmony
He thought he had to leave his family because he overheard a conversation about him being adopted by someone else. He felt really desperate and sad and his only way of communicating this was with aggression. After AC, energy work and promises from his owners that he would always be with them, he is a different horse and as sweet as never before.
September 20, 2020, C.W.